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This Book Will Change The Way You Think About Peace
Why is it that the Rwandan genocide was directly caused by the Arusha negotiations? That the Oslo accords caused the Intifada? That the Darfur accords encouraged greater violence instead of promised peace in western Sudan? Why is it that a small band of piqueteros in Argentina are able to block international trade in an environmental justice conflict that has persisted for years? That the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains unreconciled? Why is it that in fifteen years of international climate change conferences, little has been accomplished?
Elusive Peace penetrates the headlines and takes a critical look at peace negotiations through the eyes of a professional mediator and peacemaker.
Elusive Peace will enlighten you about what will really be necessary for world peace for you and your children.
Here's a short video in which Douglas E. Noll talks about mediating evil and violence.